
Personal Poster Project

Personal Poster Project

Arrie approached me about designing a poster for her significant other Jeff, a poster with a fictional account of their different life histories, all of which result in their finding each other. Sounds pretty cool. The poster (which was printed 12″ wide and...
Downtown Statesville PumpkinFest Event Map

Downtown Statesville PumpkinFest Event Map

The Downtown Statesville festival attracts thousands each year. Festival organizers use this map to help visitors find their way. Organizers have used this map since 2010.
Newspaper Centerpiece Illustrations

Newspaper Centerpiece Illustrations

Award-winning illustrations from the Statesville Record & Landmark, including a caricature of a columnist (left) and a hand-drawn cartoon illustration which was colorized digitally.
Newspaper Serial Graphics

Newspaper Serial Graphics

The Statesville Record & Landmark needed graphics for each football team, non-football sports and the annual Holiday Classic. The samples below are just a few of the graphics in daily use at the R&L, as well as the Mooresville Tribune and Concord and...
ASU Campus Map

ASU Campus Map

As part of the 2005 Orientation Guide for incoming freshmen, this map was a hand-drawn rendering of the campus which was then digitally colored and output as a double-truck in the center of the campus publication.